Christmas Eve has come.  In many traditions this is the evening when children’s choirs lead singing, or children perform the Christmas nativity play.  It is also traditional to have the reading of Luke 2 on this night.  The story of the angels, the shepherds and the birth of Jesus in the manger.

Read the story in Luke 2 again this evening with children, if you are able.  Hear the joy in the song of the angels.  Not a joy that comes from their receiving a thing.  Joy as they see the gift of God to his people.  Joy as they see God at work in his creation.  Joy as the see the birth of the Christ-child.

See the wonder and curiosity of the shepherds.  Listening to the angels and checking the manger to see what has come about.  Speaking of the wonder and amazement as they go from the Christ-child in the manger.

Then see also the love in the hearts of Mary and Joseph.  See how these memories are held for their own memory to carry them as they watch the life and ministry of Jesus unfold.  Memories that will connect them to the story, but also help all to see that this birth is part of that transition in the story of the reconciliation of people with God.

How will a celebration of the birth of the child change the church as it operates in the midst of the kingdom he comes to rule?  Seeing a child who will rule.  Seeing a God who is present with us.

Silent Night

O God, you have caused this holy night 
to shine with the brightness of the true light.
Grant that we, who have known the mystery of that light on earth,
may also enjoy him perfectly in heaven,
where with you and the Holy Spirit he lives and reigns,
one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.

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