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Christmas comes in a few days.  Maybe we are still looking for a few gifts to give to people.  Likely not the easy ones.  The ones who are not as close.  I find it is often the most meaningful gifts that end up waiting.  Trying to find the perfect gift.  The one that will mean the most.  Then I am reminded of the old quote, attributed to most parents, and a few TV parents.  When asked what they want for Christmas they will tell us: “I want my kids to get along and some peace and quiet.” 

Obviously, my kids were all wonderful and we never needed to ask them to get along.  My siblings and I needed some prompting.  For us to have that peaceful day, with no conflict, would have taken great change.  I think my brothers said I was the one who needed to change. 

Where do we still need to be changed by the strange way we see God bringing his presence to us?  How does this coming of a child make us need to live differently?  As we work to give that gift to God, his children living in peace and unity, what changes?  Not thinking of what others need to do to make it work out well.  But what each of us need to do.  What gift of change in me will be a pleasing gift to God?

Little Drummer Boy

We pray, O Lord, purify our hearts,
that they may be worthy to become your dwelling place.
Let us never fail to find room for you,
but come and abide in us, that we also may abide in you,
who were born into the world for us,
you, who live and reign,
King of kings and Lord of lords, now and for evermore. Amen.

1 Comment

Pat deJong 3 months ago

It has been a long time since one of your musings came up in my email. Thank you for sharing this perspective on Christmas, Dan. Wishing you and Connie a wonderful time with your family in Alberta over the holidays. Safe travels and peaceful and enjoyable times with your kids and grandkids!!

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