What are we going to do this week? We often have these conversations about the day and week ahead. Coordinating our schedules so that we know who will be home, or who will be able to take care of certain appointments. Sometimes we have to negotiate a bit about when we do things so that it all works out for everyone. Most times we can see the things that have to be done and it is clear that we can make it work with the rest of our schedules. But it revolves around those things we must do, the things that are scheduled by us, or for us.
We want to know what each of us are doing because we do care about what the other is doing. It is not just the way it fits together, but the fact that we care about what each is doing. We want to make sure that we are each able to do the things that matter to us. Because they are the things that come out of who we are. It comes out of our calling from God to be who we are becoming.
What are we doing this week? It comes out of who we are called to be. We could look at the things before us in the light of some sets of rules and regulations. Things we have to do. These are our obligations. Or we can see the opportunities of each day as just that, opportunities. Opportunities to show gratitude to God in the way we are living. Opportunities to love our neighbours. Opportunities to encourage those serving around us and with us in the congregation. Opportunities to be generous to another. Opportunities to live out our faith, as God has called us to follow him.
I have had several people over the years say they were going to stop by sometime, but felt odd about intruding on my day. They didn’t want to bother me, or interrupt my day. On the other side of it, those times when people enter into the day, particularly unannounced, have been some of the best visits and most meaningful times of ministry. The things that we could see as interruptions to our day may be some of the best opportunities that God is laying before us.
What will it look like if we can enter into the various places we go this week, not thinking it is “I have to”, but “I have the opportunity”? Sounds simple, but not always. However, when we are able, we find it is not just a change in our attitude, but we find we can more easily see God working in us, through and around us. Opportunities sprouting up around us throughout each day. How is God calling each of us today, where we are, as we are?